How to do Auto Blog for News Website?

The blogging industry is booming over the last few years. It has helped many people to earn passive incomes, build their brand & to display their expertise to the world. This industry has grabbed the attention of many people all over the world due to its worth.

According to a report, the blogging industry is now worth over $400 Billion which is projected to 16% growth per year.

Isn’t this insane?

Now, I am pretty sure you have got motivated to start your blog right now, but don’t get mad after figuring such massive statistics. Because it is not that easy, as it looks like.

If you are associated with blogging, you must have listened to the phrase that “content is the king”. You will never rank, nor earn a single penny until your content is not super engaging.

Believe it or not, Creating quality content consistently is way more difficult than creating an effective SEO strategy. If you know how to write content, congratulations, you are the king. But, if you don’t know, you may have to take a step back.

Most of the blogs failed just due to improper Content strategy. Because writing a quality blog takes a lot of hours & dedication. If you are a lazy guy, who can’t manage to write effective content with a proper schedule, we have a superb idea for you!

In this digital world, almost 78% of the internet people read blogs & out of these 78% of people, almost 40% of them use the internet to read news. Most probably, You may also be reading the news on the Internet.

So, why don’t you start your news blog? I know You must be thinking that how could it be possible for you to keep publishing news updates every single minute when I can’t even manage to write content even in a week?

Hold my beer! You don’t need to kill your nights or break your fingers by writing too much for hours and hours. Because automatic blogging is the only solution for lazy bloggers!

Don’t know what an automatic website is or how to create a news website on auto-blogging?

In this article, we will be discussing benefits along with limitations & each and everything you would need to start your self updated website. But first, we need to cover some basics!

What is Auto Blogging & how does it work?

If you know, whenever you write “auto” before any word, it usually represents that this work is going to be automatic. The same applies to auto blogging. You don’t need to write anything yourself, you might not even need to put hours of research for a topic on your next article that often.

Instead, a software program with some other methods is responsible to do the efforts for your blog. Now, auto-blogging is not just a piece of cake. This also requires patience, dedication & effort just like any other business. But, not that much. You will have to put in some effort initially, & the rest of the work is to just keep maintaining your blog by tracking the performance.

Now, Auto Blogging is not a new business model, it is the same age as blogging, but this is now getting popular for lazy people. This was technically known as a content aggregator. It could be profitable if you do safe gameplay. You just pull content from other websites.

Auto blogging allows you to keep publishing content every single day in a lot of quantity without doing nothing (or very little effort). Almost all the things are done automatically. You just have to connect your blog to the RSS feed of any other viral or popular blog in your niche, which is regularly updating the content & is getting a ton of traffic.

It’s better if you can include a News or Updates section under your blog Silo. So, you can later connect your blog with a trusted & popular RSS, so your existing audience will keep getting more and more steps. This could be anything like Tech news, New gadgets, Houston news, depending upon your niche.

Doing this will also help you to increase Dwell Time on your pages & decrease the bounce rate of your sites in the Analytics report. It also helps to boost ranking when your site will start getting more and more surfing time. Plus, your readers are more likely to get back to your site again & again. If you are using AMPs in your site, your site will be always available in their mobile browser dashboard.

Once that website publishes any blog or news on their website, the RSS will automatically grab that article to publish it on your blog without doing any effort. This is as simple! You are doing nothing, but you keep getting articles on your website, without hiring any content writer.

Sounds good?

But, this thing is not liked by Google that much. Because this refers to stealing or copying the content from other websites, that runs into plagiarism. And, you know that Google hates duplicate content. Plus, you do not have the legal rights to use the content.

What would you do now?

Don’t worry! We still have a lot of options to safely play the game, without annoying Google.

Benefits of Auto Blogging News Websites:

  • First thing first, you do not need to research content for the blog.
  • You don’t even need to hire expensive content writers, which saves your hundreds of dollars in residual expenses, that takes a lot of bucks in your bank.
  • Auto blogging helps you save a lot of time instead of writing the lengthiest blog posts.
  • You can get a decent amount of traffic due to frequent publishing if the SEO strategy is proper.
  • Google loves updated & recent content.
  • You can monetize your news websites by using Ads network & affiliate programs. This helps you generate passive income by doing almost nothing.
  • You can publish unlimited content
  • Best startup if you are enrolled in journalism to get exposure
  • It helps you to diversify your website & content
  • No need to purchase expensive marketing tools
  • Very low cost to start
  • Your website has no border with auto blogging
  • You can get sponsorships & paid posts to increase revenue.

Limitation of Auto Blogging News Websites:

  • You do not have any ownership authority on the content
  • SEO seems to be hard for automated news websites
  • Needs a strong & effective marketing strategy
  • You can not build a brand always

How to get Content for Auto Blogging:

  • Use Content Rewriters

This is possibly the best option to avoid getting penalized by Google or a copyright claim from other websites that you want to use for your auto blog. You can use various but trustworthy article rewriters, which will be assisting you in rephrasing every sentence in your article. These tools are your weapon, in your auto blogging journey.

But this is just a short term solution to your long term problems. Article Rewriters usually use AI algorithms, which stumble the sentences in your content to compare it on the web, that later spins into new wordings, which looks pretty awesome. You can spin the content after importing.

Now, the problem here is that they are pretty expensive to use for news websites. The packages usually come in word terms, once it ends, you will have to renew the plan to keep using it, which is a big hassle. Because you will have to rewrite each & every article every day manually which can take some time, plus, you still have a chance to get the same content again.

  • Give credit

This is the simplest but sometimes a challenging option for relatively new automatic news websites. Because, You will have to contact the editorial team to get permission to fetch the content from their website.

Some big blogs might allow you to do so, but they have a very lengthier & time-consuming process & the chances depend on your luck. But once, they approve. You can keep doing this again and again fearlessly.

  • Use Plugins

The most popular, safest & the recommended way to start an auto-updated news website is to use plugins if you are on WordPress, which is again the best platform for start auto blogging. The reason why we recommend WP is due to its ease of use & features. You can get a bunch of plugins for your blog without any security issues.

03 Best plugins for AutoBlogging:

  • Feedzy

The most popular and effective plugin for automating your blog. This is a premium plugin, but it does come in a free version, which is not recommended for you. The premium one may cost somewhere $60 for a single website which is highly recommended to get. By using the premium version, you will be able to include every feed item to your every page & content.

You can use it to categorize your posts, without messing with each of them in the backend; that also takes a lot of time & dedication. Freedzy will be doing this, along with adding affiliate links to your pages safely & automatically.

A good thing Feedzy provides, that it also comes with the most respected & intelligent rewriting tool, WordAI & Spinnerchief. You can easily integrate to your feedzy & website, to automatically rewrite the content, to avoid any penalty.

  1. WPeMatico

By using WPeMatico, you can create multiple feeds without creating them individually & separately. It allows you to validate comments, embed & fetch videos, media, schedule posts, remove spammy links, tracking the date of content, rephrase the content, & remove the other external & internal links from the content you are importing to your website.

After this, you can add your affiliate links, without messing with the HTML or CSS code of that content. Overall, this plugin offers you to publish any type of content, that could be articles, images, audio & videos. It can also help you out in optimizing your pages and content for a better On-Page SEO.

  • WP Automatic

If you want to keep getting the regular content, & to add more and more affiliate content to increase your revenue, this plugin can help you out. In addition to the content, You can even import products from Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Clickbank, Envato directly to your blog with their affiliate links.

Plus, you can also get posts from Social media & Craiglist listing without any copyright or technical problems. The rest of the features like tags, dates, scheduling & a bit of SEO features are still available within 30 bucks. You will always be updating your audience with the latest news without worrying at all.

The Bottom Line: Auto Blogging for News Automated website

If you are getting sick of creating & researching the content for your website, or you don’t want to build a meaningful brand to help your audience, auto blogging can be helpful for you. This lets you save both money, expenses & time by integrating your website with RSS & plugins initially.

Autoblogging also minimizes your risk capita & increases your potential of generating revenue. If you can manage to do auto blogging safely, it could become a goldmine for you. But, you need to build a strong & effective action plan, because nothing is going to happen overnight.

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